”Never was the need for clear and comprehensive reporting from across the globe more crucial to ensuring a better future for the globe. And yet in spite of technological advancements which should have brought the world closer within a framework of common understanding, the world today is a disparate place made up of blocks which rarely understand each other. The role of the “foreign correspondent” needs to be re-thought. How do we meet the challenges including language gaps, financial constraints, journalists’ safety concerns and pave a road towards balanced, informed and compassionate foreign coverage for all?”

  • Local en wereldwijd.
  • Context nodig om het te begrijpen en voor iedereen interessant te houden.
  • Daarom worden er ook local elementen aan toegevoegd.
  • Anders is het zelfs niet te snappen!
  • Er moet iets herkenbaars in. Niet zozeer framing, maar het moet bijna wel om het aan de andere kant van de wereld te kunnen vertellen.
  • Break the idea of a center, network, news kan overal vandaan komen.



”Organized crime groups and corrupt politicians see the world as their playground. They use national and international financial infrastructure to bypass regulation in order to launder vast amounts of money. How do they set up their cross border networks and where does the money ultimately go? Why are  banking networks such as the Troika Laundromat a boon for criminals? A panel of experienced reporters will ignite the discussion on why organized crime figures are successful global entrepreneurs.

Organised in association with OCCRP.”

  • Heel veel lijnen.
  • Bijna bitcoin, maar dan op naam (legale systeem). 
  • Alles draait om geld en vriendschap/harmonie (als het om geld gaat), conflicten doet ze niks.
  • Banken worden om de vinger gewonden.
  • Slim, kennen alle culturen en proberen iedereen te gebruiken.
  • Advocaat had contacten met criminelen, krabbelde terug (gevoel, een van de criminelen stal van arme Russen online), deed aangifte en werd later vermoord (witwassen geld).
  • Waar het het best geregeld is, zoals Scandinavië (democratie), is veel criminaliteit. Ze gebruiken het uitgebreide legale systeem.



”Presentation of the book Breaking News: The Remaking of Journalism and Why It Matters Now (2018) by Alan Rusbridger. Moderated by Mathew Ingram.

How do we know any more what is true and what isn’t? We are living through the greatest communication revolution since Gutenberg in which falsehood regularly seems to overwhelm truth. In Breaking News Alan Rusbridger offers an urgent and agenda-setting examination of the past, present and future of the press, and the forces menacing its freedom.

The news media have been disrupted by huge and fast-moving changes. The growth of social media and with it the ability of billions of people to publish has created a vast amount of unreliable and false news which now competes with, and sometimes drowns, more established forms of journalism. The President of the United States regularly lies to the public and brands his critics ‘fake’. Politicians openly rubbish the views of ‘so-called experts’. Where can we look for reliable, verifiable sources of news and information? What does all this mean for democracy? And what will the future hold?

Reflecting on his twenty years as editor of the Guardian; and his experience of breaking some of the most significant news stories of our time, including the Edward Snowden revelations, phone-hacking, WikiLeaks and the Keep it in the Ground campaign, Rusbridger answers these questions and offers a stirring defence of why quality journalism matters now more than ever.”



”The need for strong community-based newsrooms has scarcely felt more vital to our democracies, yet local media continues to be under immense pressure, with local investigative journalism facing its own unique set of challenges.

Despite these, new platforms are emerging and finding new ways to connect to new audiences, remain relevant to communities and speak truth to power. Often these models involve putting networks and communities at the heart of the journalism.

This panel explores some of the lessons being learned about how community engagement can serve local investigative reporting – whether as a tool to develop audiences, as a key to financial sustainability or as a source of ideas and investigative manpower.”

  • Jonge reporters moeten gefundeerd worden, maar heb ook altijd een plan B.



”Public concerns across the world have risen to near-panic levels over social media, filter bubbles, echo chambers, and the disinformation attributed to these technologies, particularly in the aftermath of the 2016 US Presidential Election, the UK’s Brexit referendum, and over elections across Europe. To address these issues, and related concerns of the audience, Philip di Salvo will moderate a discussion and interview Bill Dutton, who has conducted an extensive research on Internet users in seven countries, asking respondents how they use Internet search, social media, and more traditional news media, for getting information about politics, and what difference it made for them. Bill believes that his findings show that the panic over disinformation on the Internet and social media is unwarranted. Is it? What is the reality?”

  • 4 biljoen internetgebruikers.
  • Richten op de gebruiker i.p.v. techniek en producties.
  • We hebben wel vertrouwen omdat we alles kunnen vinden.
  • We moeten ons niet te veel zorgen maken.
  • Maar 4% (Italië, het meest) is kwetsbaar / gevoelig voor fake news / filter bubbles (het resultaat van een gepersonaliseerde zoekopdracht, waarbij een website-algoritme selectief probeert te bepalen welke informatie de gebruiker zou willen zien, gebaseerd op informatie over die gebruiker (zoals locatie, eerder klikgedrag en zoekgeschiedenis).
  • We hebben wél ‘zoekskills’.
  • Meer de angst voor dan dat het echt zo bedreigend is: self fulfilling prophecy.
  • Gebruik meerdere bronnen en houdt het interessant, produceren!
  • We moeten onszelf niet onderschatten.



”James Ball, author of Post-Truth: How Bullshit Conquered The World, commissioner of the London School of Economics’ Truth, Trust and Technology report, and journalist covering online and Russian disinformation, surveys the landscape almost three years after “fake news” became the word of the year.

From Facebook’s efforts to tackle “dark ads” to state responses to Russian interference, from automated fact-checking to new rules for online information – lots has been tried and is being tried. But what works (and what doesn’t)? And are our priorities in the right place?”

  • Fake news, het is maar net hoe je het omschrijft. Trump ziet fake news als ‘alles wat hij niet wil horen’.
  • ‘Fake news problem’ is onderliggend, hierbij hecht je nog steeds waarde aan de waarheid.
  • Bullshit en misinformation, dat is het grootste probleem.
  • Waar de grens?
  • Kijk naar wat mensen doen, niet naar wat ze zeggen.

Geïnspireerd door deze lezing, schreef ik het volgende gedicht:


Fake news
Moeten wij ons zorgen maken?

Niet over fake
Wel over bullshit
Hetgeen waar helemaal niets van klopt
Waar geen spatje waarheid in zit

Echt iets anders
Ook al lijkt het van niet
Maar bij fake news
Klopt niet alles niet

Een groot verschil tussen deze twee
Wat je hoort en wat je ziet

Maar wat is dan dit verschil?
Het verschil tussen fake news
En bullshit

Een voorbeeld:

Als ik vertel
Dat ik gisteren 3 bier dronk
Bij dat ene café op de hoek
Je weet wel

Maar het waren er 6
In plaats van 3
Dan klopt er nog wel iets
Dat is dus fake news

Niet alles klopt
Maar niet niets

Het zou pas bullshit zijn
Als dat ene café op de hoek er niet was
En bier niet bestond
Of ik niet wist
Wat bier was

Een grote leugen
Een verzonnen verhaal

Een gevaar voor ons allemaal

Hierover moeten we ons zorgen maken
Over bullshit

Fake news brengt toch nog
Een kern van waarheid
Een klein beetje

En weet je
Een beetje nieuws
Is ook nieuws



”Let’s save our children from misinformation and misleading content.

How might we reshape media literacy – using visual tools, VR, AR, Voice Assistants – to interact with new generations, keep them safe and make them well-informed citizens

The news ecosystem is getting older and older. Adult people produce, consume and share content using platforms, tools and formats made by adults for adults. But what about children and teens?

This session will investigate ideas to fill the gap between the media and the so-called “Minecraft generation”. Journalists should explore new workflows, formats, types of content and platforms. At the same time, we need to interact with educators to define methods and frames to give to young people the right approach to news and media.

Not so long ago, every school or classroom had its own school magazine, where young “wannabe” journalists took their first steps as reporters and editors. Often, real journalists came to school, teaching students how to gather, verify, write news; and how to edit and realize a print issue. But we were also educated to read and consume news as well. Young generations got familiar with newspapers long before becoming newspaper readers.

Now, our children are the first fully mobile digital born generation and the way they interact with media is completely different from our state of mind. When they turn on the television, they expect to watch only on demand content, whenever they want. When they interact with a screen, the only ux they know is “touch”. They get used to creating content – to build a house in the Minecraft world, to record a tutorial on YouTube, to create a music videoclip on TikTok – and share it with their community.

As soon as they grow up, they’ll get in touch with the traditional news ecosystem, even if “digital”, “mobile”, “interactive”. And they’ll face the risks of misinformation, being unable to recognize quality, verified and worth trusting content. Although there are many studies about children’s approach to media and news, the question isn’t only how they consume and react to existing formats and content when they impact with them, or how educators can manage those kinds of tasks, but how we – as content producers and distributors – can reshape the news ecosystem to fit the younger generation’s attitudes, habits and approach. We need to find resources dedicated to creating different types of content and products, exploring the opportunities of emerging technologies, in particular virtual and augmented reality and voice user interfaces.

We should start to think of our children as the next generation of readers, and the next generation of journalists as well.”

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